Welcome to ADM-Health
Building on and expanding our Trusted Brand relationship with thousands of busy physicians

Sign up with ADM- Health for PAID online consulting-enter your email address here and click subscribe:
Who is ADM and how do our PAID physician consulting programs work:
ADM (Advanced Data Management) regularly conducts PAID online confidential surveys and brief online live interactions with thousands of physicians nationwide. We gather unique, actionable research insights from physicians for our clients in the pharmaceutical/biotech, medical device, healthcare IT (focusing on EHR), and practice management services. Your opinions and attitudes as a busy practicing physician are very important to our clients.
We compensate physicians for providing ADM with your valuable feedback through brief online surveys at YOUR convenience. Honoraria are per project and are paid by check mailed directly to you. There are no minimum requirements and your participation in any project or panel is entirely up to you.
For physicians only, please click on the secure confidential link above and allow ADM to invite you periodically to participate in our PAID online physician consulting opportunities. Thank you for your interest.
ADM has a very simple approach...
We believe that physicians are incredibly busy, highly trained professionals who have some very clear ideas about what works for you and what doesn't. Our model is based on asking physicians to evaluate how well our clients message and messenger engage you through online interactions on the ADM platform. We compensate physicians for providing us with your valuable feedback through surveys and brief questionnaires after interactions with our clients in online appointments scheduled at YOUR convenience. Physicians have told us they appreciate the opportunity to access information and resources that can help them and their practices provide better care, manage their business, and maintain their professional development and growth.
We welcome your participation.